Ocean Thermal Energy



A marine thermal power plant converts the temperature difference between warm and cold water masses at different depths of the oceans into electrical energy.

With the exception of a few smaller pilot plants, there are or have not been any marine thermal power plants, and this type of power plant has so far had no practical

significance for energy generation.

The water on the surface of the oceans has a higher temperature than the water in deeper layers. The marine thermal power plant makes use of this thermal gradient.

If the difference between the upper (0−50 m) and the lower layers (from 600−1000 m) of the water is more than 20 ºC, a cycle can be set

in motion that is able to generate energy, for example a generator to deliver.

It is noteworthy that, compared to other alternative power generators, a marine thermal power plant can produce this continuously and is not dependent on the

time of day or other variable factors. Real degrees of efficiency are in the order of magnitude of three percent, whereby the energy source

− warm seawater − is usually available in excess and free of charge and is constantly renewed by the sun's rays. At a water temperatureof 6 and 26 ºC,

an efficiency of 6.7 % can theoretically be achieved. However, the technical implementation is always fraught with efficiency losses.

The expense and the enormous size of the technical systems in relation to the energy yield is the main reason that has prevented commercial use or a wider

spread of this type of power plant so far.






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